niedziela, 3 lutego 2008

personal no income loans

Saves having to type all of that info and HOPING to get the questions right.
So the account is still with NCC, but I don't have to deal with them directly.
3 accounts were 'verified' - 2 of these lines are really one in the same.
(Personal no income loans) I just went through my Eq & TU reports, and made a list of all the inaccurate info. I typed a letter and requested the inacc. info be corrected. It has been nearing 30 days for EQ and the only thing I have received from them is a letter stating they had forwarded my complaint to somebody. Do they submit the info to each creditor? Or am I supposed to write a letter to each creditor myself?
I moved up by "The Lakes" area, which is next to Summerlin, when I worked at Citibank.
Although this is indirectly true, I am not responsible for the acct....I wonder how they gotinto my report???

1 komentarz:

Anonimowy pisze...

great post ,i like your post,very nice,Thanks